Monday, June 25, 2012

32 weeks and shortness of breath

I'm alone this week, husband is away, and for some reason, i'm not feeling as good as my previous pregnancy weeks, just the other day, i was cooking and i felt like my head was light, and as though it was swaying left and right, i was so afraid i would drop the hot pan on myself, i just left the pan and sat down, I had cold sweat, and wasn't sure what was happening. Quickly made myself a cold sweet drink. (thinking am low in sugar or something)

this passed few days, i'm having difficulty catching my breath, it's really uncomfortable, and i Googled (yes, thanks to google, again) and all pregnant woman says it's normal, because the baby is growing and taking up more space, and needing more oxygen too.

And it usually happens after a meal, so i need to remember, no more 'normal' size meals, i need to only snack. and also, to sit up straight so my lungs and take in more oxygen..

Last night when the baby was moving so so so much, like drums beating away, swirled, kicked.. etc.. again, it made me feel sick and couldn't breathe, immediately i just head for the bed and lie down.

It's true, 3rd trimester is not easy. 1st trimester was traumatizing because of all the spotting, and not knowing what to expect, 2nd was the easiest, (that's when the doctor told me to enjoy my pregnancy), 3rd i'm feeling tired easily, don't feel like doing anything, shortness of breath, the occasionally feeling sick in the car, always feeling HOT HOT HOT, and SWEAT SWEAT SWEAT.. and not knowing the exact arrival date of the baby!

I thought i was emotionally strong and can be alone this week, but i truly miss my husband. I can't wait for him to be next to me again. :~(

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